Friday, January 4, 2013

Book Reading Goal 2013

The last few years I've started out by setting a reading goal for myself. Throughout middle school I was reading a book every two days or so, and I found that a high school workload posed a threat to reading for pleasure. In college, where I gained something resembling a social life, it was even more difficult to fit in reading while I was procrastinating writing my thesis by going on Facebook.

Last year, my goal was to read 20 new books. I reached 28 new books (didn't finish #29 in time) and reread quite a few too. After seeing one of my good friends had read a whole heap more, I decided to make 2013 the year of reading at least one book a week. This year--my first full year out of school since I was four--I want to read 52 books, either new or rereads. Hopefully this isn't anything resembling an issue, and I can go above and beyond my expectations!

I'm almost done with my first, The Far West by Patricia C. Wrede, and will type up a blog post about that when it's finished. 52 books means 52 blog post topics, does it not?


  1. Kudos to an ambitious goal!! I can't wait to see what adventures your writing takes you on.

    1. Thanks so much!! I'm falling a bit behind on this goal at present, but hopefully I'll catch up soon. :)
