I have decided that I work best with short-term goals. This "blogging every day for the rest of my life thing" hasn't worked out so well for me, but "blogging every day for a week" certainly did, and "reviewing every book that I read" is going well, too. Therefore I have decided to present myself with various goals once I've finished one up in order to continue blogging relatively regularly. My newest one is this:
Every day in the month of April, I will blog every day about the state of my April NaNo Novel. These blog posts will contain the following in formation.
How many words did you write today?
How long did it take you to write them?
How many times did you use Write or Die?
On what settings?
How many Facebook breaks did you take?
How many characters have you killed off to date?
How many characters have died for the sake of word count?
How many NaNoWriMo Angels have you murdered? (note: using the backspace key murders NaNoWriMo angels).
Have you stopped using contractions yet?
Total NaNoWriMo Word Count So Far:
Words to Goal:
Days Remaining:
This questionnaire is a work in progress and has the potential to evolve as the month goes on, but the basic idea is there. I will also probably include complaints about how hard life is, wondering why I do this to myself a few times every year, singing praises to the plot bunnies for a good idea, and possibly even post excerpts and hope no one judges me for my NaNo-content.
I invite as many people as willing to join me on this April blogging quest. Feel free to leave questionnaire suggestions in the comments and I'll add them in! This is a fun way to keep track of your status and record your April NaNo journey.
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!