I have a love/hate relationship with the thing called The Title. I used to keep a list of potential titles in one of my old writing folders--titles inspired by street or place names, or simply something I came up with one day that sounded like the title of something I'd like to read. Sometimes when I see titles a story starts to form, which is why I find title generators so fascinating. I could post links, but there are just so many of them--it's probably easier to google "your favorite genre title generator" instead.
Anyway, I sought one of these to title a new story idea that's been floating in my head--starring Lydia, who you can meet a few posts down. Such greats popped up as:
The Magic Company
The Twin's Child
The Golden Gamble
Fallen Road
Summer's Wing
Year in the Crossroad
Redemption of Clockwork
Child of the Tyranny
The Wizard's Flame-Pits
The Sharing Vampire (better than sparkling, surely)
You get the idea. I can just see stories unfolding with some of those (which you can totally use if you've been inspired, too!). Unfortunately, nothing has popped up that matches the story in my head--which is how we get to the hate part of the relationship. I am horrible at matching a title to a story. I always seem to come up with something kind of lame if it relates--cool, interesting titles never pop out at me when I already have a story in mind.
The biggest piece of advice that I get when it comes to this is to wait, and something will strike me. But I find it impossible to wait. Whatever shall I name the title of the document in which I'm writing/planning if I wait? I feel like along with characters and plot, a title is one of the first things I need to get anywhere with a story. Yes, I know it's all in my head.
So here I sit, clicking "Click here for your fantasy novel titles!" over and over again, waiting for something to strike me. Right now I'm thinking something along the lines of "Ally" or "Alliance." Maybe "Alliance of..." something. "The....Alliance?" I don't know.
If you have any tips and tricks for giving something a title, please share below--I'd love to hear them!
EDIT: Five minutes after posting this, I've stumbled upon the perfect thing: "The Foxglove Alliance." Now, to plot this out... maybe I'll have enough of an outline to do April-NaNo!
The Foxglove Alliance sounds DEFINITELY like something I would read! And I will if you give me the chance. >.> I like the Golden Gamble too. I want a title for the thing 'Adrian' is trying to be in, too...